Connecticut Resources
Here we will be documenting resources and repositories available for our focus area in southwestern Connecticut.
Connecticut Residents
You may want to explore access to the Connecticut Digital Library, known as researchIT CT which offers all Connecticut residents free access to high-quality online information, some of particular interest to historians and genealogists.

Connecticut Department of Vital Records
The Connecticut Department of Vital Records has birth, marriage and death records from July 1897 to the present. Processing time for requesting copies of birth, marriage and death certificates by mail is approximately six weeks.
Address: State of Connecticut Department of Public Health
Vital Records Office
410 Capital Avenue, MS #11VRS
Hartford, CT 06134-0308
Telephone: (860) 509-7700
Fax: (860) 509-7964
Hours: Customer Service Window* – Monday – Friday 8:15 am – 3:45 pm
Customer Service Telephone* – Monday – Friday 12 pm – 4 pm
*for birth, death and marriage certificates
Birth Records: The charge is $20.00 per copy. You must show proof that you are the person you are requesting information on or a guardian of that person. You can also obtain a certificate if you are a member of a state approved genealogical society, but you must include copies of your society identification and a photo ID. You must also supply the name, date, place of birth, father’s name, and mother’s maiden name. Please enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
Marriage Records: The charge is $20.00 per copy. You must include both names, place and date of marriage. Please enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
Death Records: The charge is $20.00 per copy. You must include the name of the deceased, place and date of death. Please enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope.

Connecticut State Library, History and Genealogy Department
Address: 231 Capital Avenue
Hartford, CT 06106
Telephone: (860) 757-6580
Fax: (860) 757-6677
Hours: Tuesday – Friday 9 am – 5 pm
Saturday 9 am – 2 pm
Comment: Birth, marriage and death records prior to 1897 may be available on microfilm. Not all records are housed onsite.
Probate Records: The State Archives is in the process of creating finding aids for probate courts. Probate Court records consist primarily of record books and estate papers. The documentation includes wills, bonds, inventories, and reports of estate administrators. RG 004, Probate Courts, 1636-1946.
Research Services
Connecticut Ancestry Society does not provide research services at this time. Listings of professional researchers familiar with this area may be found at the following web sites:
Some historical societies and public libraries in this area provide research services. Rates vary for these services.
Facebook Group
Connecticut Ancestry Society members do participate in a private Facebook Group for general advice entitled the Connecticut Genealogy Network. Consider joining for help.