Welcome to our community!
We are a genealogical society focused on southwestern Connecticut
to promote genealogical scholarship, preserve source records,
and exchange family histories..
Who are we?
Connecticut Ancestry Society members are responsible, ethical genealogists and family historians who share a special interest in southwestern Connecticut and its neighborhood, either by living there, or by having ancestry there, or both; who pursue genealogical scholarship through networking, educational programs, and publication of reference materials and research results; and who extend full cooperation to other genealogical organizations, record repositories, and public record custodians.
In support of the Society’s above mission we sponsor workshops and lectures throughout the year. The Society’s scholarly journal, Connecticut Ancestry, is published quarterly in August, November, February and May. All the work of the Society is done by volunteers with both professional and amateur genealogists actively participating.

Member meetings
- Virtual meetings conducted in June, September, October, November, February, March, April from 10:00am to Noon.
- Annual meeting conducted in May both in person and virtually from 1:00pm to 3:00pm.
- Additional in person meeting conducted in October or November.
- Meetings are open to the public, but access to meeting recordings is a membership benefit.