About Us

Our Society was founded in 1954 as the Stamford Genealogical Society and is the oldest genealogical society in Connecticut. The organization’s name was officially changed to Connecticut Ancestry Society, Inc., in 1989. The Society’s membership now extends throughout North America with only about half living in Connecticut. The Board of Governors consists of an elected president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer together with officers appointed by the board, including the editor, genealogist, and librarian.

In support of the Society’s mission we sponsor workshops and lectures throughout the year. The Society’s scholarly journal, Connecticut Ancestry, is published quarterly in August, November, February and May. All the work of the Society is done by volunteers with both professional and amateur genealogists actively participating.

Board of Governors

PresidentRobert A. Locke, Jr.president <at> connecticutancestry.org
Vice President<vacant>vicepresident <at> connecticutancestry.org
SecretaryBarbara Dempseysecretary <at> connecticutancestry.org
TreasurerSusan C. Murphytreasurer <at> connecticutancestry.org
GenealogistFrederick C. Hart, Jr., FASG, FGBSgenealogist <at> connecticutancestry.org
EditorNora Galvin, CGeditor <at> connecticutancestry.org
LibrarianSven-Eric Selanderlibrarian <at> connecticutancestry.org
Programs/PublicityJaneen Bjorkinfo <at> connecticutancestry.org
MembershipRobert A. Locke, Jr.membership <at> connecticutancestry.org
NERGC DelegateJudy Gossauntjudyg <at> yahoo.com
Members At LargeShawn Brayton,
April Brenker,
and Amy Kaplan
Board Member EmeritusHarlan Jessup, Past President and Editor