Members-Only 2024 Survey

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Selected Value: 10
How satisfied are you with your membership in Connecticut Ancestry Society? (10 – Highly Satisfied to 1 – Not Satisfied)
Please rank the membership benefits of being a member of Connecticut Ancestry Society. We have identified five benefits. Choose the one that is most important to you as a primary benefit through to the least important as the quinary benefit. Give each benefit just one ranking. Optionally note above anything you think we missed or caveats to your ranking.
Identify which of the five membership benefits is most important to you.
Identify which of the five membership benefits is the second most important to you.
Identify which of the five membership benefits is the third most important to you.
Identify which of the five membership benefits is the fourth most important to you.
Identify which of the five membership benefits is the fifth most important to you.
Since our society functions on the volunteerism of our members, are there areas that you might be willing to help with?
What else do you think Connecticut Ancestry Society should be doing or should stop doing?